Monday, May 4, 2020

Final Post - Technology: The Good and the Bad

Technology has always been seen as something that could be a savior of human life, and while there are many benefits to the technology we see today, calling it a savior would be a bit of a stretch in my opinion. While technology has given us many tools that have improved our life, there are many aspects of technology that have almost poisoned our brains.

According to Business Insider, many young people are struggling with communication skills as well as insomnia and anxiety/depression.

I definitely believe this information because I have experienced it first hand. The growth of technology has come to the growth of social media which is fun exciting but can turn dark and ugly very quickly. Social media has been a place to share some of our life events as well as our thoughts and feelings. When we are young, we are often wishing to be someone else, and with the growth of social media, many young people's mental health has decreased due to comparing themselves to someone else.

I think my relationship with technology could be healthier. Compared to three years ago, my relationship is far healthier than when I was 18. I have come to realize that technology is not the most important aspect of my life, but at one point it seemed like the most important thing ever. Every day I strive to not rely on technology as much. I have decreased my use of Instagram and am trying to decrease my time on Tik Tok.

I think that the technology I use is more misleading than making me smarter. If I want to inform or educate myself I typically turn to newspapers or google whether than social media. Sometimes I turn to twitter for more social justice news, but Instagram and Tik Tok are more for entertainment than education.

As I move towards adulthood, I really wish to develop a healthy relationship with technology and use it for good instead of bad.

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