Wednesday, January 22, 2020

More about me

My name is Taylor Irish and I am from Cape Cod Massachusetts majoring in Journalism and Criminal Justice with a Pre-Law track. After I graduate from High Point University, I am considering going to law school or beginning my career as a journalist. I hope to someday become a journalist who sheds light on civil rights issues and injustices within our criminal justice system.

My biggest accomplishment thus far is becoming a Guardian ad Litem in the state of North Carolina. Being a Guardian ad Litem entails that I represent abused and neglected children in the court. This is one of my biggest accomplishments because not only was I once one of those children, I now feel like I'm apart of something bigger than myself.

Something fun or I guess interesting about me is that I am technically from all over the east coast. I was born in Delaware and lived there until I was 12, and then I moved to Florida, and then I moved to Massachusetts, and now I go to school in North Carolina!

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